Before You Consider Surgery or Medication You Must Come to This Talk
Event Date: March 25th, 2025
Time: 5:30pm
Cost: FREE to all attendees
Premier Medical Integration
11030 North Tatum Boulevard Suite 102
Phoenix, AZ 85028
What is the event about?
Get back to doing what you love, pain free! Join us at our educational dinner to learn more about our revolutionary solution to joint issues, and talks about current health limitations. We explain why our solution works and offer an individualized plan based on medical team evaluation!
How much does it cost?
It costs nothing to you!
What will the event include?
You will experience a warm introduction from our leading doctor, education from our team and an all paid for dinner.
Who is this event for?
Anyone who is finding their life becoming more restricted due to joint, back and other body pains.
Having doubts? Listen to the incredible stories below:
PMI - Testimonial 1
PMI - Testimonial 2